Electrical power is key for an ICT deployment – and many other basic services as well. Yet it is often the main barrier to deployment because often it simply doesn’t exist in rural and underserved areas, or “off-grid” locations. If electrical systems do exist, they can be expensive, intermittent, and unreliable. In short, there is a shortage of electrical power in the developing world, which is holding back everyone’s efforts.

For the October Technology Salon, we’ll hear about two efforts to create reliable rural electrical systems to power us past this challenge from Luis Antonio Vargas and Lou August from WVI and Eric Youngren of SNI:
- World Vision International has identified the strategic opportunity to leverage its community model to develop small-scale alternative energy solutions together with strategic partners. These power solutions can provide immediate response for our basic energy needs and provide a long-term vision on sustainable models for communities to understand the technology and market trends, and own local infrastructure development roadmaps.
- Solar Nexus International is trying to build the market infrastructure for the off-grid and grid-backup solar PV industry in the developing world, which has a natural synergy with ICT4D efforts. Both the industries need capacity building in distribution, design, installation, and service for installers and a financing and education plan for users.
How to Power Progress: Electrical Solutions for the Developing World
Thursday, October 21st, 8:30-10am
UN Foundation Conference Room
1800 Mass Ave, 5th Floor
Washington DC (map)
We’ll have hot coffee and Krispe Kreme donuts for a morning rush, but seating is limited and the UN Foundation is in a secure building.
We’re already full – be sure to subscribe to our email list to get invites in time to join us.
I’m looking forward to reading a review of the content shared and the discussions at this particular event! Hope there will be some sort of summary? All the best! saskia