More Tech Salons About Data
All the hype around artificial intelligence – including generative AI – really starts with “old school” machine learning. The grandest large language models are basically algorithms looking at reams of data. That means training data is key for any GenAI activity, and an AI activity. The most accomplished GenAI tools are software agents that return…
We in the international development sector often have this perception that the private sector is way more advanced than we in the collection, analysis, and use of user data. That somehow Facebook, Google, and every Mobile Network Operator has a God-like dashboard that instantly displays every data point and trend imaginable, at the touch of…
Mobile phones have transformed development, and a recent London Technology Salon focused on whether digital government could have a similar impact. As more and more countries are looking into digital government, could the public sector’s leveraging of data, digital and technology be a catalyst for development? The session’s lead discussants were Calum Handforth – a…
The private sector has been using dashboards for quite some time, but international development organizations face challenges when it comes to identifying the right data dashboards and accompanying systems for decision-making. Our May 29th, 2015, Technology Salon (sponsored by The Rockefeller Foundation) explored data dashboards and data visualization for improved decision making with lead discussants…