More Tech Salons About public-private partnerships

  • ai4good partnerships

    AI for Good Partnerships Reveal Old Challenges with New Technology

    New York | By on June 25, 2024 | Comments Off on AI for Good Partnerships Reveal Old Challenges with New Technology

    Development and humanitarian agencies are in a strategic position to broker relationships around artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. They often have access to desirable data about un- or underrepresented communities, and they can facilitate the entry of tech and data companies into frontier markets. Without careful scrutiny and purposeful partnering, however, social sector organizations can serve…

  • ICT4Ag in Ethiopia: The Three S’s

    Washington DC | By on July 1, 2014 | Comments Off on ICT4Ag in Ethiopia: The Three S’s

    “ICT is not the silver bullet. Find what works and do that.” This idea came out of the Tech Salon “What Can We Learn from ICT4Ag in Ethiopia” held last week, where ICT4Ag leaders discussed some of the current initiatives aimed at feeding 92 million people in Ethiopia.

  • How to Build Better Global Development Alliance Partnerships

    Washington DC | By on April 29, 2010 | Comments Off on How to Build Better Global Development Alliance Partnerships

    On April 15th, we had a lively discussion on public-private partnerships with Robert Schneider, Senior Alliance Advisor, in the Office of Development Partnerships, Private Sector Alliances Division at USAID. Rob is the ICT partnerships lead for ODP/PSA, or as many may recognize better, the Global Development Alliances (GDA) office.

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  • How to Create Private Sector Alliances with USAID

    Washington DC | By on March 25, 2010 | Comments Off on How to Create Private Sector Alliances with USAID

    Global Development Alliances (GDA’s) are USAID’s innovative public-private alliance model to mobilize business and civil society to stimulate economic growth. Yet GDA’s and Private Sector Alliances (PSA’s) can be confusing and intimidating, especially when a proposal deadline is approaching too quickly. Successful alliances take commitment, so invest a morning of your time learning how to…