More Tech Salons About Request for Proposal

  • agile technology salon

    Most government funded international development programs start with a Request for Proposal (RFP) that has to follow strict government procurement processes. These systems are designed to protect taxpayer money from waste and fraud and generate very detailed proposals. However, this very focus on risk aversion could actually be increasing the risk that humanitarian relief programing,…

  • Spice Up Your Next Proposal with Software!

    Washington DC | By on May 3, 2011 | Comments Off on Spice Up Your Next Proposal with Software!

    You’re staring down a new Request for Proposal and you know the goals can be achieved quicker, cheaper, and more effectively with the help of a software solution. You want to include your killer app in the proposal but you’re a development expert not a hacker. Where to start?

  • Best Practices in Incorporating ICT into Funding Proposals

    Washington DC | By on January 24, 2011 | Comments Off on Best Practices in Incorporating ICT into Funding Proposals

    At the Technology Salon on “How to Incorporate ICT into Proposals”, we discussed some of the challenges and solutions for proposal writers when they try to incorporate information and communication technologies into future program design.

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  • How to Incorporate ICT Into Proposals

    Washington DC | By on January 12, 2011 | Comments Off on How to Incorporate ICT Into Proposals

    We all want to add the technology sizzle to our proposals. Nothing wins an RFP these days like “e” this or “m” that. Yet ICT projects are complicated, and hasty technology additions in proposals often leave implementers struggling to achieve project milestones after the contract is won.

  • Text messaging is a quick and targeted way to reach beneficiaries in the developing world. But you already know that. Yet have you seen an SMS router close-up? Experimented with proven solutions that you can use in your existing programs? Or brainstormed on how SMS could add sizzle to your next proposal?