Technology Salon

Global Sponsor

a discussion at the intersection of technology and development

Ari Katz

Author Archive

  • digtial migrants asia

    How Technology is Affecting Migration in Asia

    Bangkok | By on December 1, 2018 | Comments Off on How Technology is Affecting Migration in Asia

    With uneven economic opportunities and recruitment from abroad facilitated by advances in technology and transportation, migration in the Asian region is increasing. The UN’s 2017 International Migration Report estimates 258 million migrants traveled for work last year, with just under a third of them in Asia. The November Technology Salon Bangkok on How Can Digital…

  • 5 Ways Digital Technology Can Enable Sustainable Agriculture in Asia

    Bangkok | By on June 28, 2018 | Comments Off on 5 Ways Digital Technology Can Enable Sustainable Agriculture in Asia

    On June 18, the Bangkok Technology Salon gathered to explore how emerging technology is changing the lives of smallholder farmers in Asia. Joining the Salon as lead discussants were: Surajit Sinha of SourceTrace Systems Rachel Zedeck of Peterson Thailand Siwar Saibua of the Agricultural Technology and Innovation Association With 144 million farmers in Asia, there…

  • Blockchain for International Development

    Is Blockchain Ready to be Applied to Asia’s Development Challenges?

    Bangkok | By on February 23, 2018 | Comments Off on Is Blockchain Ready to be Applied to Asia’s Development Challenges?

    While the hype builds to a crescendo, blockchain use is still very much in its infancy, especially within the international development field. When we talk about blockchain, “we’re in the 1996-2000 stage,” said one participant of the Bangkok Technology Salon on How to Use Blockchain in International Development? In a discussion led by mobile…

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  • Insights on Using Customer Insights for Better ICT4D Interventions

    Bangkok | By on February 14, 2016 | Comments Off on Insights on Using Customer Insights for Better ICT4D Interventions

    On the same day as the Super Bowl and Chinese New Year, twenty professionals gathered in Bangkok for a Technology Salon seeking to answer the question ‘Are Consumer Insights the Answer to More Effective ICT4D Interventions?’ Kristen Roggemann of DAI, kicked off the conversation by sharing how her team has been gathering consumer insights to…

  • Current and Future Trends in ICT for Education in Southeast Asia

    Bangkok | By on August 17, 2015 | Comments Off on Current and Future Trends in ICT for Education in Southeast Asia

    The recent Technology Salon Bangkok asking Can Technology Improve Education in Asia? brought together more than 25 professionals in education and technology to separate the hype from the promise in ICT4Edu. We had two lead discussants to guide our discussion: Scott Andersen, Director, IREX for AMDI (Advancing MOOCs for Development Initiative) Steven Ehrenberg, Associate Director,…