Technology Salon

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a discussion at the intersection of technology and development

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  • digital principles

    How the Principles for Digital Development Can Be Improved

    Accra | By on October 28, 2023 | Comments Off on How the Principles for Digital Development Can Be Improved

    In a vibrant exchange of ideas, the October Accra Technology Salon, which discussed the topic, “Can the Principles for Digital Development be Improved?, explored the 9 Principles and their relevance or otherwise in the face of current trends. As anticipated, the 1-hour session created a divided room where majority believed the principles needed improving, and…

  • generative ai tech salon

    How Generative AI Can Improve Aid Outcomes

    Washington DC | By on January 26, 2023 | Comments Off on How Generative AI Can Improve Aid Outcomes

    Our first in-person Technology Salon DC in three years convened on January 25, 2023, to pose the question: Can Generative Artificial Intelligence Technology Improve Aid Outcomes? Thought leaders and decision makers across the international development space shared their optimism, skepticism, and uncertainty regarding generative AI and its consequences as we move closer to the uncanny…

  • Effective Storytelling Media for High Impact Campaigns

    San Francisco | By on June 4, 2021 | Comments Off on Effective Storytelling Media for High Impact Campaigns

      On May 27, 2021 more than 50 people gathered virtually for a San Francisco Bay Area Technology Salon that investigated different forms of storytelling technology being used effectively in diverse international development environments. Which Storytelling Media are Most Effective for High Impact Campaigns? featured discussion leads based in the US, Israel, and Afghanistan, with…

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  • ict4d domestic elections

    How New Outreach Tools Increased Public Participation in USA Elections

    San Francisco | By on December 3, 2020 | Comments Off on How New Outreach Tools Increased Public Participation in USA Elections

    Our recent virtual San Francisco Bay Area Technology Salon examined how recent efforts helped create the greatest ever voter turnout in the November US election. How Did New Outreach Tools Increase Public Participation and Combat Misinformation in USA Elections? featured insights from discussion leads leveraging technology in a variety of ways to increase the efficacy…

  • impact investing technology salon

    True Potential of Global Impact Investing on International Development

    San Francisco | By on August 11, 2019 | Comments Off on True Potential of Global Impact Investing on International Development

    TechSoup recently hosted a Technology Salon asking What is the True Potential of Global Impact Investing? with 30 social impact leaders from diverse backgrounds in the corporate, philanthropic, and nonprofit sectors. We discussed what impact investing means for nonprofits, philanthropists, and investors and for our ability to make change together. It was a unique chance…

  • AI Universal Health Coverage

    How Artificial Intelligence Can Accelerate Universal Health Coverage

    Johannesburg | By on December 15, 2018 | Comments Off on How Artificial Intelligence Can Accelerate Universal Health Coverage

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used to advance healthcare in high-income countries. AI here refers to the use of computer systems sophisticated enough to perform tasks that until recently could only be performed by humans, for example, extracting conclusions from visual, clinical, natural language, operational and other complex data. Is artificial intelligence applicable in…

  • south african youth employment

    How to Prepare South African Youth for the Digital Economy

    Johannesburg | By on June 4, 2018 | Comments Off on How to Prepare South African Youth for the Digital Economy

    Digital technology is transforming economies and the world of work in profound ways. Traditional jobs are being transformed while new forms of work are being created. Siven Maslamoney, Manager, Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator, and Sean Blagsvedt, Former CEO of in India, led the group of digital professionals, M&E officials and youth facing programme implementers…

  • digital identity

    How to Use Digital Identity for Social Good in International Development

    London | By on April 12, 2018 | Comments Off on How to Use Digital Identity for Social Good in International Development

    According to World Bank estimates, about 1.1 billion people lack formal identification. Digital identity and access systems can unlock a range of services for individuals, including financial inclusion, healthcare and education. Equally, they hold significant promise for helping refugees and displaced populations access services. On the other side, digital identity can become a way to discriminate…

  • South Africa Big Data

    How Big Data Can Solve South Africa’s Biggest Challenges

    Johannesburg | By on January 13, 2018 | Comments Off on How Big Data Can Solve South Africa’s Biggest Challenges

    The inaugural South African Technology Salon How Can Big Data Solve South Africa’s Biggest Challenges?, we discussed the potential of Big Data in contributing to the achievement of development objectives in South Africa and the region. Participating in the discussion was a range of public sector M&E officials, private and not-for-profit organisations, donors and programme…

  • Digital Property Address System

    How Ghana Post GPS Digital Addressing System Can Benefit Ghana

    Accra | By on November 17, 2017 | Comments Off on How Ghana Post GPS Digital Addressing System Can Benefit Ghana

      In October 2017, the President of Ghana launched the National Digital Property Addressing System (NDPAS) also known as the Ghana Post GPS  with the aim of providing every location in Ghana with a unique digital address. It is hoped that the Ghana Post GPS will achieve a nationwide use for spatial database information for…

  • How Partnerships Improve the Digital Health Ecosystem

    New York | By on October 16, 2017 | Comments Off on How Partnerships Improve the Digital Health Ecosystem

    Last Thursday, we had the honor of getting together with many of our peers and partners in New York City to discuss How Can Partnerships Improve the Digital Health Ecosystem? The discussion was moderated by Linda Raftree of Tech Salon, sponsored by Medic Mobile and Praekelt, and hosted by Thoughtworks. The main discussants were: Josh…

  • 4 Barriers to Using Machine Learning to Support the SDGs

    Bangkok | By on February 7, 2017 | Comments Off on 4 Barriers to Using Machine Learning to Support the SDGs

    Born from the widest ever public consultation by the UN, the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) are a chance to ‘press the reset button on development’. Critically, the SDGs encourage countries to improve data analysis and to track progress with common indicators. Many of the goals are inter-related and influence each other. But with such…

  • How Technology Impacted Ghana’s Elections

    Accra | By on January 17, 2017 | Comments Off on How Technology Impacted Ghana’s Elections

    On December 7, 2016, Ghana passed yet another democratic test when it conducted what has been described as the best organized general elections in the country’s history. The elections was to choose a new President and 275 members of parliament. From the tech-based systems deployed by some media houses that enabled their collation and projections…

  • What Technology is the Silver Bullet for International Development?

    Helsinki | By on December 22, 2016 | Comments Off on What Technology is the Silver Bullet for International Development?

        The third Technology Salon event hosted in Helsinki, Finland, brought together a room full of representatives from private sector, public sector, governments, startups, NGOs and universities from countries like Lebanon, Tanzania, Mozambique, Denmark, Finland, India, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Iran, United States, Belgium, France, South Africa, Egypt and Zambia – to name a few! This…

  • How to Use Digital Identity for Better Development

    Washington DC | By on November 15, 2016 | Comments Off on How to Use Digital Identity for Better Development

    An estimated 1.5 billion people do not have a government issued and recognized proof of their legal identity. Over 10 million people in the world, with millions of children, are stateless. Migrants are expected to increase significantly in the next 5 years, due to civil strife, climate change, and changing economic landscapes. To prepare for…

  • How Technology Volunteers Can Build Solutions for Refugees

    Amman | By on October 6, 2016 | Comments Off on How Technology Volunteers Can Build Solutions for Refugees

    Given the scale and profile of the current global refugee crisis, it’s no surprise that the technology community is increasingly exploring how technology can solve challenges faced by refugees and those involved in refugee response. Refugee and humanitarian communities should welcome the enthusiasm of the tech community alike, as it is clear that new ideas…

  • The Threats and Opportunities of Social Media and Elections in Ghana

    Accra | By on October 5, 2016 | Comments Off on The Threats and Opportunities of Social Media and Elections in Ghana

    From the provision of free advertisement, highlighting important advocacy works, making speeches and statements readily available to helping candidates to promote their campaign messages widely and freely, there is no denying of Social Media’s role in elections processes across the world and for millennials, it is a lifeline of information. These, among many other critical…

  • When, Where, and How to Use Drones for Development

    Washington DC | By on August 20, 2016 | Comments Off on When, Where, and How to Use Drones for Development

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones produce a visceral reaction, perceived in different ways through the eyes of the beholder. Is it a military weapon, hi-tech recreation, or a research tool? International development professionals have formed additional uses for this technology. UAVs conduct remote surveys, deliver test results or supplies, and provide surveillance. Yet, there…

  • radio-ivr-tanzania

    IVR and FM Radio: Low-Tech Ways to Reach Everyone on Earth

    San Francisco | By on July 6, 2016 | Comments Off on IVR and FM Radio: Low-Tech Ways to Reach Everyone on Earth

    The title for the recent San Francisco Technology Salon, “The Low-Tech Way to Reach Everyone on Earth” suggests an enormously powerful statement – does the right technology exist today to reach everyone on earth? And what exactly is that technology? Thirty-three people from the Bay Area and around California attended the event to discuss the…

  • 5 Barriers to Building ICT4D Capacity of Development Organisations

    Bangkok | By on July 1, 2016 | Comments Off on 5 Barriers to Building ICT4D Capacity of Development Organisations

    Twenty development professionals recently met in Bangkok to ask, “How Can We Build the ICT4D Capacity of Development Organizations?“. They discussed the usage, implementation as well as the successes and challenges of building capacity of development organization to make use of ICT in their work. The lead discussant, Simon Gee from TechSoup Asia, started the…