Unlike our usual Technology Salons, which are not recorded, the ICT4D, Innovation, and Millennium Development Goals Salon at the UN Week Digital Media Lounge was taped by Mashable for your viewing pleasure.
Thanks to Robert Kirkpatrick, director of UN Global Pulse; Erica Kochi who works in the Innovation Unit of UNICEF, Linda Raftree, adviser for new technology at PLAN‘s West Africa Regional Office; and Jim Rosenberg, head of social media at World Bank for joining me to talk about how information and communication technology can help organizations and governments accelerate achievement of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals.
Thank you for recording and posting this event! Please consider doing this as a standard practice. I am specifically researching for-profit organizations that are successfully using mobile tech targeted to base of pyramid constituencies. In particular, companies like Movirtu and those of its ilk are my focus. If anyone is aware of similar organizations, or resources for identifying them, I would appreciate the guidance!
Thanks again!
Thanks JoAnn for your interest, would be glad to help you with your research.
This was an extremely interesting presentation. I hope that more will be taped in the future.