Technology Salon


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More Tech Salons About Elections

  • elections disinformation

    How GenAI Will Affect Election Misinformation in 2024

    New York | By on December 12, 2023 | Comments Off on How GenAI Will Affect Election Misinformation in 2024

    Generative AI (GenAI) models like DALL-E and ChatGPT showcase the creativity and utility of AI. Yet these tools – which can generate realistic image, audio and video simulations at scale and then personalize this content – have serious implications for how much people trust the information they see and hear. Civil society organizations are highly…

  • ict4d domestic elections

    How New Outreach Tools Increased Public Participation in USA Elections

    San Francisco | By on December 3, 2020 | Comments Off on How New Outreach Tools Increased Public Participation in USA Elections

    Our recent virtual San Francisco Bay Area Technology Salon examined how recent efforts helped create the greatest ever voter turnout in the November US election. How Did New Outreach Tools Increase Public Participation and Combat Misinformation in USA Elections? featured insights from discussion leads leveraging technology in a variety of ways to increase the efficacy…

  • ict4d domestic elections

    How to Use Your International ICT4D Skills in US Elections

    Washington DC | By on February 24, 2020 | Comments Off on How to Use Your International ICT4D Skills in US Elections

    This is shaping up to be a pivotal year in US politics. We are all experts in behavior change, change management, governance, accountability, civil society, and a host of other skills and activities that can strengthen democratic processes and bring change here at home. In our recent Technology Salon on How to Use Your International…

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  • How Technology Impacted Ghana’s Elections

    Accra | By on January 17, 2017 | Comments Off on How Technology Impacted Ghana’s Elections

    On December 7, 2016, Ghana passed yet another democratic test when it conducted what has been described as the best organized general elections in the country’s history. The elections was to choose a new President and 275 members of parliament. From the tech-based systems deployed by some media houses that enabled their collation and projections…