Technology Salon


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a discussion at the intersection of technology and development

More Tech Salons About FrontlineSMS

  • Scaling the Use of Mobile Technologies for Development

    New York | By on December 2, 2013 | Comments Off on Scaling the Use of Mobile Technologies for Development

    According to the latest GSMA statistics, nearly 50% of people own a mobile phone in the developing world and almost 70% have access to mobile phones. With mobile access increasing daily, opportunities to use mobiles in development initiatives continue to grow and expand. The area of Mobiles for Development (M4D) has attracted investment from all…

  • Sorting the Future of SMS4Dev at San Francisco Salon

    San Francisco | By on June 24, 2010 | Comments Off on Sorting the Future of SMS4Dev at San Francisco Salon

    Short Message Service (SMS) text messages, which started as a way for Nokia engineers to test mobile phone network operations, has grown into a killer app – for everyone. At the SMS4Dev Technology Salon in San Francisco, we looked at three ways to apply SMS to pressing development projects.

  • SMS4D-2: the Cloud-Based SMS Solutions Salon

    Washington DC | By on May 26, 2010 | Comments Off on SMS4D-2: the Cloud-Based SMS Solutions Salon

    Now that your interest was piqued with last month’s SMS for Development Technology Salon, get ready for SMS4D-2: the Cloudy Salon.

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  • The SMS4D Technology Salon focused on the power of Short Message Service (SMS) text technology to create scaled impact, starting at the local and regional level. We went through an inspiring round of implementations and use cases of on-the-ground efforts using FrontlineSMS in cross-sector development situations.Throughout the examples, we were constantly reminded that mobile phone-based…