Technology Salon

Geographic Data

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a discussion at the intersection of technology and development

More Tech Salons About Geographic Data

  • climate change technology salon

    How Digital Solutions Can Reduce Climate Change Impacts

    Washington DC | By on November 21, 2019 | Comments Off on How Digital Solutions Can Reduce Climate Change Impacts

    As the United States withdraws from the Paris Climate Agreement, we are inundated daily with news of how the climate crisis is escalating. It can be argued that climate change cuts across multiple sectors in the ICT4D community. Our work in areas such as health, agriculture, and emergency response, may mitigate the impacts of climate…

  • geospatial technologies

    How to Better Visualize Our Impact with Geospatial Technologies

    Washington DC | By on August 20, 2018 | Comments Off on How to Better Visualize Our Impact with Geospatial Technologies

    Remember when you saw your first geospatial visualization in international development? How amazed you were that satellite maps of the earth could show impact data in a new, clearer way than before? Wait till you see where we are now with game-changing innovations like: Mapping changes at the village level with unmanned aerial vehicles. Visualizing…

  • Digital Property Address System

    How Ghana Post GPS Digital Addressing System Can Benefit Ghana

    Accra | By on November 17, 2017 | Comments Off on How Ghana Post GPS Digital Addressing System Can Benefit Ghana

      In October 2017, the President of Ghana launched the National Digital Property Addressing System (NDPAS) also known as the Ghana Post GPS  with the aim of providing every location in Ghana with a unique digital address. It is hoped that the Ghana Post GPS will achieve a nationwide use for spatial database information for…

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  • Maps-R-Us? Geodata and Moving Beyond Data Visualization

    Washington DC | By on February 11, 2014 | Comments Off on Maps-R-Us? Geodata and Moving Beyond Data Visualization

    Geodata is popping up everywhere. Companies, agencies and organizations now dazzle audiences with beautiful graphics that are supposed to represent what’s happening in a given industry, geographic area etc. Uber, the car service has maps that show the location of every Uber driver across the world, in what they call “God View.” At the February…