Technology Salon


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a discussion at the intersection of technology and development

More Tech Salons About Jordan

  • How Technology Volunteers Can Build Solutions for Refugees

    Amman | By on October 6, 2016 | Comments Off on How Technology Volunteers Can Build Solutions for Refugees

    Given the scale and profile of the current global refugee crisis, it’s no surprise that the technology community is increasingly exploring how technology can solve challenges faced by refugees and those involved in refugee response. Refugee and humanitarian communities should welcome the enthusiasm of the tech community alike, as it is clear that new ideas…

  • 3 Ways Technology Could Support Education for Displaced Children

    Amman | By on April 7, 2016 | Comments Off on 3 Ways Technology Could Support Education for Displaced Children

    Currently it is estimated that there are 4.6 million Syrian refugees; 6.6 million displaced persons inside Syria. Of these, half are children. In March, Technology Salon Amman brought together people working in education and technology to discuss how technology can support education throughout a Syrian child’s journey. As was noted throughout the discussion, war and…