More Tech Salons About Social Impact Games

  • 6 Considerations for Successful Serious Games for Development

    Bangkok | By on April 30, 2015 | Comments Off on 6 Considerations for Successful Serious Games for Development

    The inaugural Technology Salon in Bangkok on April 30th explored whether mobile games can really help to improve development outcomes. Lead discussants included: Sowirin Chuanprapun of UNESCO, which has been exploring the use of gamification to enhance its broader programs, including the release of Sai Fah – The Flood Fighter, a mobile-based game that they…

  • How Games Can Improve Development Outcomes

    New York | By on April 7, 2015 | Comments Off on How Games Can Improve Development Outcomes

    Our Technology Salon in New York City on Oct 7 focused on the potential of games and gamification in international development work. Joining us as lead discussants were Asi Burak (Games for Change), Nick Martin (TechChange), and Craig Savel and Stan Mierzwa (Population Council). TechChange is a social enterprise that uses principles of gamification on…

  • Serious Online Games Are Creating Serious Social Impact

    Washington DC | By on December 3, 2013 | Comments Off on Serious Online Games Are Creating Serious Social Impact

    Imagine playing Grand Theft Auto V, (and maybe if you’re lucky, today you really are). You’ve just stolen a car, and as you’re racing down the street, you decide to take a phone call. A cop pulls you over for using a mobile phone while driving. In the next level, your character must decide if…

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