More Tech Salons About citizen participation

  • ai-accountability

    Meaningful Participation and Accountability is Possible in AI

    New York | By on November 1, 2023 | Comments Off on Meaningful Participation and Accountability is Possible in AI

    The release of ChatGPT and similar chatbots like Google’s Bard and Anthropic’s Claude has re-ignited the discussion around artificial intelligence (AI) in social, work, financial, health, education, law, and most other spheres. A common challenge with these and other AI and machine learning (ML) systems is their lack of transparency and accountability. Algorithms decide what we…

  • How New Technologies Can Make Every Voice Count in Government

    London | By on July 15, 2013 | Comments Off on How New Technologies Can Make Every Voice Count in Government

    Ten years ago, leveraging information and communication technology for development was all about getting people an email address. Today, there is an explosion in access to ICT thanks to mobile technologies – the CEO of Ericsson recently predicted, 92% of the world’s inhabitants will live in an area with mobile reception coverage by 2018 (see…

  • You Need a Social Media Strategy in International Development

    Washington DC | By on June 18, 2013 | Comments Off on You Need a Social Media Strategy in International Development

    In the next few years, another 2 billion people will be coming online; transforming the Internet from what once was an elite network of the world’s privileged to a democratizer of information and power. This wave of new users will mainly enter the Internet via mobile phones on social networks.

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  • The Ethics of Participatory Digital Mapping with Communities

    New York | By on February 19, 2013 | Comments Off on The Ethics of Participatory Digital Mapping with Communities

    The February 5 Technology Salon in New York City asked “What are the ethics in participatory digital mapping?” Judging by the packed Salon and long waiting list, many of us are struggling with these questions in our work.

  • How to Use ICT for Citizen Participation

    Washington DC | By on February 11, 2013 | Comments Off on How to Use ICT for Citizen Participation

    The model citizen participation process has citizens holding their governments accountable to deliver quality public services in a transparent and responsive manner. At the recent Technology Salon on How Can ICT’s Support Citizen Engagement with Governments? around 30 thought leaders debated the best ways to empower citizens and governments to define what a government should…

  • 12 Lessons Learned with ICTs for Monitoring and Accountability

    New York | By on August 17, 2012 | Comments Off on 12 Lessons Learned with ICTs for Monitoring and Accountability

    New technologies are opening up all kinds of possibilities for improving monitoring and evaluation. From on-going feedback and crowd-sourced input to more structured digital data collection, to access to large data sets and improved data visualization, the field is changing quickly.

  • What is the development impact of .Africa and other changes in the online world?

    Washington DC | By on July 31, 2012 | Comments Off on What is the development impact of .Africa and other changes in the online world?

    Recently, ICANN, the organization that controls the Internet naming system, made it possible for groups to apply for new gTLDs (names to the right of the dot, like .com, .org and .edu). Nearly 2000 applications were submitted, from business ideas (like .shop and .app) to causes (.green) to the only slightly bizarre .sucks. Still, after…

  • How Will IATI Impact US-Based Development Agencies?

    Washington DC | By on June 15, 2012 | Comments Off on How Will IATI Impact US-Based Development Agencies?

    The Technology Salon* hosted at IREX on Thursday, June 6, focused on what the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) would mean for international development, especially for US-based NGOs and government contractors.

  • How Can ICT Improve the Lives of Children and Youth Living in Cities?

    New York | By on April 9, 2012 | Comments Off on How Can ICT Improve the Lives of Children and Youth Living in Cities?

    At the global level, a very small percentage of development funding goes to urban spaces, yet hard-hitting issues impact many of the urban poor: lack of tenure, lack of legality of land, informal settlements, lack of birth registration and civil registration in general, waste disposal, clean water, politicizing of local authorities and more. Can new…

  • How to Improve Transparency, Accountability and Governance with New Technologies

    New York | By on December 8, 2011 | Comments Off on How to Improve Transparency, Accountability and Governance with New Technologies

    Civil society has been working for years on participation, transparency, accountability and governance issues. Plenty of newer initiatives (small and large) look at new technologies as a core tool in this work. But are these groups talking and learning from each other?

  • What is the Future of Public Access to Information in the Mobile Phone Era?

    Washington DC | By on November 7, 2011 | Comments Off on What is the Future of Public Access to Information in the Mobile Phone Era?

    Access to information has been part of the development discussion since the Internet arrived. Previously, many saw community telecenters as the way to bring technology to the developing world. Yet telecenters are not sustainable without donor funding and the concept of public access hasn’t kept pace with advancing technology.

  • The Girls and ICT Technology Salon was a great opportunity to get an amazing group of thinkers and do-ers in the same room to debate around a particular topic. I’m Linda Raftree, Plan International West Africa Regional Office, Advisor for New Technology and Social Media. I was honored to lead 20+ people in a conversation…