More Tech Salons About Health Information Systems

  • COVID-19 and the Tech Sector: Guidance for Effective Digital Responses

    COVID-19, New York | By on April 23, 2020 | Comments Off on COVID-19 and the Tech Sector: Guidance for Effective Digital Responses

        Since its emergence in late 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic has reached almost every corner of the globe. By April 20, 2020, the number of recorded cases worldwide had reached 2.4 million with over 161,000 resulting deaths. As the virus spreads, so do the technological responses. Never before has a global crisis been so digital….

  • AI Universal Health Coverage

    How Artificial Intelligence Can Accelerate Universal Health Coverage

    Johannesburg | By on December 15, 2018 | Comments Off on How Artificial Intelligence Can Accelerate Universal Health Coverage

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used to advance healthcare in high-income countries. AI here refers to the use of computer systems sophisticated enough to perform tasks that until recently could only be performed by humans, for example, extracting conclusions from visual, clinical, natural language, operational and other complex data. Is artificial intelligence applicable in…

  • How to Build Better Partnerships for Global Health

    New York | By on October 19, 2017 | Comments Off on How to Build Better Partnerships for Global Health

    For our Technology Salon on How Can Partnerships Improve the Digital Health Ecosystem?, we discussed partnerships and interoperability in global health systems. The room housed a wide range of perspectives, from small to large non-governmental organizations to donors and funders to software developers to designers to healthcare professionals to students. Our lead discussants were: Josh…

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  • How Partnerships Improve the Digital Health Ecosystem

    New York | By on October 16, 2017 | Comments Off on How Partnerships Improve the Digital Health Ecosystem

    Last Thursday, we had the honor of getting together with many of our peers and partners in New York City to discuss How Can Partnerships Improve the Digital Health Ecosystem? The discussion was moderated by Linda Raftree of Tech Salon, sponsored by Medic Mobile and Praekelt, and hosted by Thoughtworks. The main discussants were: Josh…

  • 7 Key Insights in Using ICT to Improve Ebola Response

    Washington DC | By on February 17, 2015 | Comments Off on 7 Key Insights in Using ICT to Improve Ebola Response

    Recently, we had the 175th Technology Salon in Washington, DC, this one focused on How Can ICTs Improve Our Ebola Response? Be sure to sign up to get invited to our next event. In the lively morning-long discussion with 35 key thought leaders and decision makers from across the technology and development sectors, we came…

  • In last month’s Technology Salon, we looked at Health Information Systems that improved reporting systems for governments. But what about improving patient care? Giving clinicians support and feedback at the point of care can bring about immediate changes in diagnosis and treatment, and start the reporting process with high-quality data.

  • In this month’s Technology Salon, National Health Information Systems: Who Uses What, Where?, we discussed a recently-completed study by Vital Wave Consulting that surveyed the global landscape of national HIS ecosystems in the developing world. The overall outcome may surprise development practitioners, but its well known to IT experts: basic change management matters more than fancy technology.

  • It often seems that there are as many health information systems (HIS) as there are governments – from custom legacy systems to new web-based applications. But which governments are using a HIS, what system do they employ, how has it helped them, and and what can we all learn from their experiences?

    health information systems
    Health information system in practice

    For the next Technology Salon, we’ll focus on a recently-completed study by Vital Wave Consulting that focused on the global landscape of national HIS Ecosystems in the developing world. This study was sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to:

    1. analyze the developing-country landscape of national HIS ecosystems
    2. review prominent individual examples of HIS implementations
    3. identify critical success factors for projects to strengthen health systems

    We’ll have Brendan Smith of Vital Wave Consulting lead us through the report highlights, India case study, and an accompanying online HIS forum with an engaged discussion around the various HIS fulled by by hot coffee and Krispe Kreme donuts sugar rush.

    National Health Information Systems: Who Uses What, Where?
    June Technology Salon
    Friday, June 26, 8:30-10am
    UN Foundation Conference Room
    1800 Mass Avenue, NW, Suite 400
    Washington, D.C. 20036 (map)

    Do note that this Salon is on Friday morning, instead of Thursday, seating is limited and the UN Foundation is in a secure building. So the first fifteen (15) to RSVP will be confirmed attendance and then there will be a waitlist.