Technology Salon

Digital Democracy

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a discussion at the intersection of technology and development

More Tech Salons About Digital Democracy

  • Counter Malign Influences China Russia

    How to Counter the Malign Influences of China and Russia in Digital Development

    Washington DC | By on May 31, 2023 | Comments Off on How to Counter the Malign Influences of China and Russia in Digital Development

    The recent Technology Salon on How to Counter Malign Influences in Digital Development was a fascinating discussion that should start with the idea that we are mainly talking about the Chinese and Russian country governments. These governments may not reflect the will of its citizens, or even a majority of them, and the governments themselves…

  • ict4d domestic elections

    How to Use Your International ICT4D Skills in US Elections

    Washington DC | By on February 24, 2020 | Comments Off on How to Use Your International ICT4D Skills in US Elections

    This is shaping up to be a pivotal year in US politics. We are all experts in behavior change, change management, governance, accountability, civil society, and a host of other skills and activities that can strengthen democratic processes and bring change here at home. In our recent Technology Salon on How to Use Your International…

  • Can ICTs Improve Democracy and Governance in Myanmar?

    Washington DC | By on September 3, 2014 | Comments Off on Can ICTs Improve Democracy and Governance in Myanmar?

    Internet access, in particular via mobile technology, gives citizens a medium through which to exercise their political voice. It can be used to challenge preexisting power systems and is a potential game-changer in countries with undemocratic regimes. As we’ve seen with the Arab Spring, citizens can use Internet tools to place the fates of governments…

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  • 10 Tips on Using New ICTs for Qualitative Monitoring and Evaluation

    New York | By on October 24, 2012 | Comments Off on 10 Tips on Using New ICTs for Qualitative Monitoring and Evaluation

    At the October Technology Salon NYC, we focused on ways that ICTs can be used for qualitative monitoring and evaluation (M&E) efforts that aim to listen better to those who are participating in development programs. Our lead discussants were: John Hecklinger, Global Giving; Ian Thorpe, UNDOC and Beyond 2015 Campaign; and Emily Jacobi, Digital Democracy….