Technology Salon

feedback loops

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a discussion at the intersection of technology and development

More Tech Salons About feedback loops

  • Effective Storytelling Media for High Impact Campaigns

    San Francisco | By on June 4, 2021 | Comments Off on Effective Storytelling Media for High Impact Campaigns

      On May 27, 2021 more than 50 people gathered virtually for a San Francisco Bay Area Technology Salon that investigated different forms of storytelling technology being used effectively in diverse international development environments. Which Storytelling Media are Most Effective for High Impact Campaigns? featured discussion leads based in the US, Israel, and Afghanistan, with…

  • digtial migrants asia

    How Technology is Affecting Migration in Asia

    Bangkok | By on December 1, 2018 | Comments Off on How Technology is Affecting Migration in Asia

    With uneven economic opportunities and recruitment from abroad facilitated by advances in technology and transportation, migration in the Asian region is increasing. The UN’s 2017 International Migration Report estimates 258 million migrants traveled for work last year, with just under a third of them in Asia. The November Technology Salon Bangkok on How Can Digital…

  • 12 Lessons Learned with ICTs for Monitoring and Accountability

    New York | By on August 17, 2012 | Comments Off on 12 Lessons Learned with ICTs for Monitoring and Accountability

    New technologies are opening up all kinds of possibilities for improving monitoring and evaluation. From on-going feedback and crowd-sourced input to more structured digital data collection, to access to large data sets and improved data visualization, the field is changing quickly.

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  • mHealth Means Mobility, Information, Connectivity & Feedback

    Washington DC | By on September 17, 2009 | Comments Off on mHealth Means Mobility, Information, Connectivity & Feedback

    In our September Technology Salon, we took on James BonTempo’s pertinent question of What Does the “m” in mHealth Really Mean? in a spirited debate with technology and development practitioners.

    Is this mHealthcare? (photo: Data Dyne)

    We were seeking a better definition of mHealth than the current focus on devices, and specifically the hype around mobile phones. As one participant bemoaned, it seems that every health project with a mobile phone or PDA, no matter their usage, is now an mHealth project.

    So we sought to put parameters on what could be called an mHealth project, and through that, come up with a new definition for mHealth. After an hour of vibrant debate, we developed these four aspects for mHealth projects:

  • In last month’s Technology Salon, we looked at Health Information Systems that improved reporting systems for governments. But what about improving patient care? Giving clinicians support and feedback at the point of care can bring about immediate changes in diagnosis and treatment, and start the reporting process with high-quality data.