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More Tech Salons About governance

  • genai guidance policy

    You Need Generative AI Guidance and Data Governance Policy

    Washington DC | By on May 12, 2024 | Comments Off on You Need Generative AI Guidance and Data Governance Policy

    All the hype around artificial intelligence – including generative AI – really starts with “old school” machine learning. The grandest large language models are basically algorithms looking at reams of data. That means training data is key for any GenAI activity, and an AI activity. The most accomplished GenAI tools are software agents that return…

  • dall-e feminist ai

    How to Apply Feminist Frameworks to AI Governance

    New York | By on October 17, 2023 | Comments Off on How to Apply Feminist Frameworks to AI Governance

    Could an intersectional feminist approach to participation, equity and justice help to address the social and political nature of structural inequalities that are baked into every aspect of the AI supply chain? We drew together a roomful of smart folks to discuss this at our September 19th Technology Salon in NYC:  Can Feminist Frameworks improve AI Governance?…

  • Data Ethics, Power, and Privacy in COVID-19 Digital Response

    COVID-19, New York | By on May 13, 2020 | Comments Off on Data Ethics, Power, and Privacy in COVID-19 Digital Response

    Data is top of mind during the COVID-19 response. Quality data can help to direct the response and to make decisions, but it’s not the silver bullet that everyone is hoping for. We need to remain aware of the power dynamics represented in how data is collected, treated, protected and interpreted. There needs to be…

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