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More Tech Salons About gTLDs

  • Dialogue is Participation at Technology Salons

    Washington DC | By on August 10, 2012 | Comments Off on Dialogue is Participation at Technology Salons

    The recent Technology Salon “Will the new .Africa domain name have development impact?” represented for me an above average collision of minds over the matters of life and learning and the impact that domain ownership and the concerns for development bear on them. The dialogue was so robust that I found myself stepping over the…

  • What is the development impact of .Africa and other changes in the online world?

    Washington DC | By on July 31, 2012 | Comments Off on What is the development impact of .Africa and other changes in the online world?

    Recently, ICANN, the organization that controls the Internet naming system, made it possible for groups to apply for new gTLDs (names to the right of the dot, like .com, .org and .edu). Nearly 2000 applications were submitted, from business ideas (like .shop and .app) to causes (.green) to the only slightly bizarre .sucks. Still, after…

  • Will the new .Africa domain name have development impact?

    Washington DC | By on July 9, 2012 | Comments Off on Will the new .Africa domain name have development impact?

    Recently, ICANN, the organization that controls the highest levels of the Internet naming system, made it possible for groups to apply for new TLDs – new names to the right of the dot – that would join the likes of .com .org .edu. Along with the many commercial entrants were a number of applications that…

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