Technology Salon

Machine Learning

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More Tech Salons About Machine Learning

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    How to Apply Feminist Frameworks to AI Governance

    New York | By on October 17, 2023 | Comments Off on How to Apply Feminist Frameworks to AI Governance

    Could an intersectional feminist approach to participation, equity and justice help to address the social and political nature of structural inequalities that are baked into every aspect of the AI supply chain? We drew together a roomful of smart folks to discuss this at our September 19th Technology Salon in NYC:  Can Feminist Frameworks improve AI Governance?…

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    How Generative AI Can Improve Aid Outcomes

    Washington DC | By on January 26, 2023 | Comments Off on How Generative AI Can Improve Aid Outcomes

    Our first in-person Technology Salon DC in three years convened on January 25, 2023, to pose the question: Can Generative Artificial Intelligence Technology Improve Aid Outcomes? Thought leaders and decision makers across the international development space shared their optimism, skepticism, and uncertainty regarding generative AI and its consequences as we move closer to the uncanny…

  • 4 Barriers to Using Machine Learning to Support the SDGs

    Bangkok | By on February 7, 2017 | Comments Off on 4 Barriers to Using Machine Learning to Support the SDGs

    Born from the widest ever public consultation by the UN, the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) are a chance to ‘press the reset button on development’. Critically, the SDGs encourage countries to improve data analysis and to track progress with common indicators. Many of the goals are inter-related and influence each other. But with such…

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