Technology Salon

Global Sponsor

a discussion at the intersection of technology and development

Linda Raftree

Author Archive

  • Pros and Cons of Technology for Public Consultation

    New York | By on July 24, 2015 | Comments Off on Pros and Cons of Technology for Public Consultation

    The July 7th Technology Salon in New York City focused on the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Public Consultation. Our lead discussants were Tiago Peixoto, Team Lead, World Bank Digital Engagement Unit; Michele Brandt, Interpeace’s Director of Constitution-Making for Peace; and Ravi Karkara, Co-Chair, Policy Strategy Group, World We Want Post-2015 Consultation….

  • 13 Tips for Creating Data Dashboards for Decision-Making

    New York | By on June 9, 2015 | Comments Off on 13 Tips for Creating Data Dashboards for Decision-Making

    The private sector has been using dashboards for quite some time, but international development organizations face challenges when it comes to identifying the right data dashboards and accompanying systems for decision-making. Our May 29th, 2015, Technology Salon (sponsored by The Rockefeller Foundation) explored data dashboards and data visualization for improved decision making with lead discussants…

  • How Technology Can Support Housing Rights in Brooklyn

    Brooklyn | By on May 12, 2015 | Comments Off on How Technology Can Support Housing Rights in Brooklyn

    Our April 16th Technology Salon Brooklyn, co-hosted with the Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF) and AfroLatin@ Project explored the issue of tenant rights within the wider context of structural discrimination. We aimed to think about how new technology and social media might be a tool for helping community organizations to support Brooklyn residents to know their…

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  • An Understanding of LGBTQI Rights and Technology for Development

    New York | By on May 4, 2015 | Comments Off on An Understanding of LGBTQI Rights and Technology for Development

    Our April 21st NYC Technology Salon focused on issues related to the LGBT ICT4D community, including how LGBTQI issues are addressed in the context of stakeholders and ICT4D staff. We examined specific concerns that ICT4D practitioners who identify as LGBTQI have, as well as how LGBTQI stakeholders are (or are not) incorporated into ICT4D projects,…

  • How Games Can Improve Development Outcomes

    New York | By on April 7, 2015 | Comments Off on How Games Can Improve Development Outcomes

    Our Technology Salon in New York City on Oct 7 focused on the potential of games and gamification in international development work. Joining us as lead discussants were Asi Burak (Games for Change), Nick Martin (TechChange), and Craig Savel and Stan Mierzwa (Population Council). TechChange is a social enterprise that uses principles of gamification on…

  • Ethical Data and Design for our Wearable Sensor Future

    New York | By on April 7, 2015 | Comments Off on Ethical Data and Design for our Wearable Sensor Future

    On March 31, 2015, nearly 40 participants, joined by lead discussants Robert Fabricant, Dalberg Design Team; Despina Papadopoulos, Principled Design; and Roop Pal, PicoSatellite eXploration Lab; came together for Technology Salon New York City where we discussed the future of wearables in international development. As follows is a summary of our discussion. While the future of wearables is…

  • How Technology Can Address Structural Discrimination in the USA

    Brooklyn | By on March 5, 2015 | Comments Off on How Technology Can Address Structural Discrimination in the USA

    Our January 21st, 2015, Technology Salon examined the role of technology in addressing structural discrimination in the US. We were hosted by the Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF), whose Director of Community Leadership, Tynesha McHarris, served as a lead discussant. Courtney D. Cogburn Assistant Professor of Social Work at Columbia University and Senior Advisor to the…

  • Do Girl Ads Detract From Girls Empowerment?

    New York | By on February 22, 2015 | Comments Off on Do Girl Ads Detract From Girls Empowerment?

    Our August Technology Salon in New York City (TSNYC) was a stimulating and deep discussion on whether ‘girl advertising’ detracts from girls empowerment. The topic surfaced after a Facebook conversation about the rise in commercials about girls and women’s empowerment such as Always’ “Like a Girl,” Verizon’s “Inspire her Mind,” and Pantene’s “Stop Saying Sorry.” There…

  • 13 Considerations for Finnish Start-ups Seeking Social Impact

    Helsinki | By on February 12, 2015 | Comments Off on 13 Considerations for Finnish Start-ups Seeking Social Impact

    Technology Salon Helsinki kicked off as part of Slush, a fantastic start-up and technology event that takes place with about 10,000 people every Fall in the Finnish capital. Slush added a social impact stream for the first time this year, making it a good fit for Technology Salon. Plan Finland organized the Salon and Netlight…

  • 7 Technology Salon Aspirations for Better ICT4D in 2015

    New York | By on February 3, 2015 | Comments Off on 7 Technology Salon Aspirations for Better ICT4D in 2015

  • ZunZuneo and Ethics in Technology for Democracy

    New York | By on May 29, 2014 | Comments Off on ZunZuneo and Ethics in Technology for Democracy

    Last week’s Technology Salon New York City touched on ethics in technology for democracy initiatives. We heard from lead discussants Malavika Jayaram, Berkman Center for Internet and Society; Ivan Sigal, Global Voices; and Amilcar Priestley, Afrolatin@ Project. Though the topic was catalyzed by the Associated Press’ article on ‘Zunzuneo’ (a.k.a. ‘Cuban Twitter’) and subsequent discussions in the press and elsewhere, we aimed to cover some of the wider…

  • Youth Financial Inclusion Via Mobiles: Long on Enthusiasm, Short on Examples?

    New York | By on May 8, 2014 | Comments Off on Youth Financial Inclusion Via Mobiles: Long on Enthusiasm, Short on Examples?

    We looked at the role of mobiles in youth financial inclusion at our March 11th Technology Salon in New York City. Tim Nourse, Making Cents; Peter Goldstein, Intermedia; and Jamie Zimmerman, Bankable Frontier Associates; joined as lead discussants. Though mobile financial services are seen by many as inevitable, some Salon participants felt that, like in…

  • Tech Salon Summary: Children, Youth, Migration and ICT

    New York | By on February 11, 2014 | Comments Off on Tech Salon Summary: Children, Youth, Migration and ICT

    Migration is central to the current political debate as well as to the development discussion, especially in conversations about the “post 2015” agenda, the ‘youth bulge’, and youth employment. Prevention work is not likely to end migration, regardless of the organizations and governments working to improve the well-being of children and youth in their home…

  • How We Can Use ICTs to Engage Adolescent Girls

    New York | By on December 14, 2013 | Comments Off on How We Can Use ICTs to Engage Adolescent Girls

    At the November 8th Technology Salon in New York City, we looked at the role of ICTs in communication for development (C4D) initiatives with marginalized adolescent girls. Lead discussants Kerida McDonald and Katarzyna Pawelczyk discussed recent UNICEF reports related to the topic, and John Zoltner spoke about FHI360’s C4D work in practice. To begin, it…

  • Scaling the Use of Mobile Technologies for Development

    New York | By on December 2, 2013 | Comments Off on Scaling the Use of Mobile Technologies for Development

    According to the latest GSMA statistics, nearly 50% of people own a mobile phone in the developing world and almost 70% have access to mobile phones. With mobile access increasing daily, opportunities to use mobiles in development initiatives continue to grow and expand. The area of Mobiles for Development (M4D) has attracted investment from all…

  • How to Create Digital Job Opportunites for African Youth

    New York | By on July 10, 2013 | Comments Off on How to Create Digital Job Opportunites for African Youth

    At the Technology Salon on “How Can We Create Digital Jobs for African Youth?” our discussion was led by Lauren Dawes, who leads the GSMA’s Mobiles for Employment team, and Lillian Chege from the Rockefeller Foundation’s Digital Jobs Africa program. The GSMA will release a study on Mobiles for Youth Employment in July, and Rockefeller…

  • African Entrepreneurship in Mobile Hardware Technology

    New York | By on July 8, 2013 | Comments Off on African Entrepreneurship in Mobile Hardware Technology

    At the recent Technology Salon on African-Led Mobile Innovation in Congo Brazzaville, we welcomed Verone Mankou, the head of VMK, a company in Congo Brazzaville that designs and produces the Way-C Tablet and the Elikia smart phone. The event was graciously hosted by ThoughtWorks, and Verone’s US trip was organized by Senam Beheton of EtriLabs.

  • 12 Mobile Technology and Workforce Development Programs With Girls and Young Women

    New York | By on April 4, 2013 | Comments Off on 12 Mobile Technology and Workforce Development Programs With Girls and Young Women

    The March NYC Technology Salon offered an opportunity to discuss how mobile technology can transform workforce development and to hear how mobile is improving the reach and impact of existing initiatives working with girls and young women.

  • The Ethics of Participatory Digital Mapping with Communities

    New York | By on February 19, 2013 | Comments Off on The Ethics of Participatory Digital Mapping with Communities

    The February 5 Technology Salon in New York City asked “What are the ethics in participatory digital mapping?” Judging by the packed Salon and long waiting list, many of us are struggling with these questions in our work.

  • How ICTs Can Support Migratory Youth

    New York | By on November 22, 2012 | Comments Off on How ICTs Can Support Migratory Youth

    The November 14, 2012, Technology Salon NYC focused on ways that ICTs can support work with children who migrate. Our lead discussants were: Sarah Engebretsen and Kate Barker from Population Council, and Brian Root and Enrique Piraces from Human Rights Watch. This post summarizes discussions that surfaced around the Population Council’s upcoming Girls on the…